Monday, December 31

Healthy Food For Us

it's time to set goals for the coming year, as you know that i'm not a big fan of diet food and i think eating a good food is a best and easiest way for me. why? because it's not diet at all.. its a lifestyle. here i choose some of good food for our body.
 Yogurt is a great way to get calcium, and it’s also rich in immune-boosting bacteria. But next time you hit the yogurt aisle, pick up the Greek kind—compared with regular yogurt, it has twice the protein (and 25% of women over 40 don’t get enough). Look for fat-free varieties like Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt (90 calories and 15 g of protein per 5.3-ounce serving).
Salmon is a rich source of vitamin D and one of the best sources of omega-3s you can find. These essential fatty acids have a wide range of impressive health benefits—from preventing heart disease to smoothing your skin and aiding weight loss to boosting your mood and minimizing the effects of arthritis. Unfortunately, many Americans aren’t reaping these perks because we’re deficient, which some experts believe may be at the root of many of the big health problems today, like obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Omega-3s also slow the rate of digestion, which makes you feel fuller longer, so you eat fewer calories throughout the day.
In a nutshell: USDA researchers say that eating 1½ ounces of tree nuts daily can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Walnuts are rich in omega-3s. Hazelnuts contain arginine, an amino acid that may lower blood pressure. An ounce of almonds has as many heart-healthy polyphenols as a cup of green tea and 1/2 cup of steamed broccoli combined; they may help lower LDL cholesterol as well. The key is moderation, since nuts are high in calories. Keep a jar of chopped nuts in your fridge, and sprinkle a tablespoon on cereal, salads, stir-fries, or yogurt. Or have an ounce as a snack most days of the week
Pick any life-threatening disease—cancer, heart disease, you name it—and eating more broccoli and its cruciferous cousins may help you beat it, Johns Hopkins research suggests. Averaging just four weekly servings of veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower slashed the risk of dying from any disease by 26% among 6,100 people studied for 28 years. For maximum disease-fighting benefits, whip out your old veggie steamer. It turns out that steaming broccoli lightly releases the maximum amount of sulforaphane.
We’ll spare you the Popeye jokes, but spinach has serious health muscles. For one thing, it contains lots of lutein, the sunshine-yellow pigment found in egg yolks. Aside from guarding against age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, lutein may prevent heart attacks by keeping artery walls clear of cholesterol. Spinach is also rich in iron, which helps deliver oxygen to your cells for energy, and folate, a B vitamin that prevents birth defects. Cook frozen spinach leaves (they provide more iron when cooked than raw) and serve as a side dish with dinner a few times a week.

Citrus fruits get all the credit for vitamin C, but red peppers are actually the best source. Vitamin C may be best known for skin and immunity benefits. Researchers in the United Kingdom looked at vitamin C intake in 4,025 women and found that those who ate more had less wrinkling and dryness. And although getting enough vitamin C won’t prevent you from catching a cold or flu, studies show that it could help you recover faster. Vitamin C has other important credentials too. Finnish researchers found that men with low levels were 2.4 times likelier to have a stroke, and Australian scientists recently discovered that the antioxidant reduces knee pain by protecting your knees against arthritis.
Native to South America, this tropical fruit is an excellent source of skin-healing vitamin C, with 250% of your RDA per serving. One cup of guava has nearly 5 times as much C as a medium orange (377 mg versus 83 mg)—that’s more than 5 times your daily need. It’s also loaded with lycopene (26% more than a tomato), which may help lower your risk of heart disease. And according to research by microbiologists in Bangladesh, guava can even protect against foodborne pathogens such as Listeria and staph. You can buy guava juice, or simmer chunks in water as you would to make applesauce. Guava also makes a super smoothie: Blend 1/2 banana, 1/2 ripe guava, a handful of strawberries, 1/2 cup soy milk, and a few ice cubes.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”H. Jackson Brown Jr.P.S. I Love You

One Step Closer

since my 1st plan did not go well so, I need a backup plan. yeahh... i need another plan. and i already have plan. my Aunt asked me to teach my cousins for next year, i agreed. im a Laoshi (teacher in mandarin) wannabe. history or geography? they both are boring subjects thats why my Aunt hire me ^_^... i'll try my best to teach them because their mom will pay me a very good price. i wont let my Aunt down.. chayok2.. i really need

Sunday, December 30

lets workout!!

did you ever dream of having a pair of leg like Cameron Diaz or a butt like Jennifer Lopez? long leg or i called it eleven and curvy butt.. so, here some exercises that you need to follow..
no need to go to Gym, just do it at home for 15 minutes..

so guy.... 
work out now.. or regret later..
peace ^_^

she will beloved

It wouldn't be New Year's if I didn't have regrets.

A Friend

there must be something wrong somewhere. you always telling me your problems but now.. i don't know. did i do something bad? im sorry. i miss us together. *face down*

Saturday, December 29

turn on or off?

what do you think of these models? they are born to be a  model.. some pretty and some freaky. 

home sweet home

fibre optic light is so beautiful... 


Do It Yourself

Happy Holiday & Happy New Year

hey loves.. i miss you guys so much! after the final exam, i continued my work(sheet metal repair project) for a week than i went to Langkawi Island for a few days then return back to KL, because we had a BIG family gathering (mummy's side). that was our final destination before we're back to Kelantan. actually ayah want to checkpoint at Perak but mummy is unwell. so, we're just straight back to Kelantan. like last year, end year holiday with family was great. this year was greater because we went to all beaches in Langkawi plus the private island. it just us, my family in that island. you can go naked or do anything in the island and the scenery was totally awesome!!

know what, my little brother is going 13 years old next year.. cant believe it because he seems a kid to me. mummy gonna send him to sekolah pondok Nik Aziz. before this, mummy sent him to Nik Aziz camp for a week, i thought he going to rebel or against mummy's decision but i was wrong. he so happy and really enjoy the camp. good for him.. at least anak mummy ada yang jadi ustaz. haha..

   new year resolution? hmm... i dont know yet. 
less worry more happy

Thursday, December 13

But sometimes there just weren't words

I don't know where to go anymore. It's like my body is on overdrive. I do everything I do because I have to not because I want to. I can't even hold myself back, from saying the truth or from lying. It's like I lost myself or I lost the need to take care of myself.
All this pent up anger is going to kill me. From the inside, the fire will grow, and I'll spontaneously burst, allowing the flames to eat away at my skin and I won't try to stop it because it'll be too late by then. I would have lost myself, but more importantly, you will have lost me. I know, not much of a loss, is it?

Wednesday, December 12

Life's like a puzzle

fast food is my new bestfriend
since the exam started
i've eat a lot 
im dying for remembering so many formulas
i need a miracle 
i need an angel
i need some space
i need a hint for the next paper
i need a rest
i need you
yes, you..
please come here my love.

Thursday, December 6

It Can't Be Helped

It’s odd how every year seems to go faster as you get older. Here I am, almost a year later feeling blind sighted by the entire 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8765 hours, 525,600 minutes, and 31,556 seconds that made up this year. Amazing how you become a blip in someones life after they meant the world to you.Sometimes I consider myself a bridge. I’ll meet a new guy and sometimes the very first time we’ll speak I’ll hear the sentence “you’re different than any other girl I’ve talked to before.” Something along those lines always seems to arise often in the course of the friendship, relationship, or simply conversation. It’s something I should be thankful for, a compliment, as some would say. But I’m tired of hearing it.The reason for calling myself a bridge is because after they tell me for their first time that “I’m different than any other girl they’ve ever dated”, very soon after they find another girl, so similar to me in so many ways, and then stay with her for what feels like forever. I’m tired of that, when does someone lead me to a guy who stays with me?

Wednesday, December 5

different people

talk to him
this feeling is so strange
awkward, yes it is.
watch him in a distance
am i a stalker?
heart beat fast
when standing in front of him
should i be happy?
am i happy?
i feel weird.

Monday, December 3

i miss you

The Notebook

I hate . . . . my weakness!

that is why my debate went hell!
i hate it.. i hate it .. i hate it..
i dont know what should i do with myself?

Less stress. Less pain. Less problems. More Happiness, More Laugh.

my room is a mess.
the notes are everywhere
the clothes seems more than it used to be
i cant figure it out
so pressure

Safety is inversely proportional to freedom.

did you know that, this week is a stress-hopeless-pressure week? no?? well... final exam has begin today until 15th of December. everybody look depressed, trying to memorize the formulas and the facts, while me listen to music while online, chatting, eating.. pretending  like nothing happen. very calm. i guess i've prepared enough. if something goes wrong, i'll just accept that. because i hate doing what they are trying right now.. last minutes study, doing the exercises and acting like they are the only person who seat for the final exam. my other colleague is playing game on Ipad. at least she and myself have something in common... we still breathing. time flies really fast.. this is the end of the semester and i still confusing in remembering my classmates' name.(kelas pun jarang datang.. memang lah!). i cant help it.. 

dealing with life is not easy as i told. explanation wont solve anything. choosing the right thing is another problem. its like you will going up or down, or hell or heaven. i heard my brain murmuring, this person is crazy. she didnt love herself because she is using her brain non-stop. she keep thinking and planing and rethink and re-plan and re-plan again.. until it stuck. dear brain, i wish i cant let all things go and i can go freely. having fun with my young-life. please be patient, one day it will fade away. i promise*smile* 

its his birthday. who is he? my best man ever..i dont know what should i give him. question mark are everywhere, plus i have problem with money. im clueless.. until two day before his birthday, im trying to do something new. so i bought two shirts and did DIY shirt for him.. its like express-present. i made him choose one of the shirts but he is so greedy. i took both of them. one is Pororo the penguin and the other is <3 font="font"> N. im glad he love it. since he didnt like cake that much, i treat him an ice cream, the best in the town. Happy Birthday Dear

to you loves, i didnt leave you both. im always here if you need me. stop saying that im too busy or whatever.. im just having a hard time, let me settle down my matter then, let us share our story and gossiping like we used to, okay.. 

i had enough. wish me luck, good bye