Sunday, June 2

Short Holiday

I went to his brother wedding with my family. err.. family, i mean whole family exclude Khalis. im FF nervous. well, of course  my family meet his family. its a BIG thing!! i never thought that mummy will go to his house but she did. how i feel? hmm, deep inside me im happy. its like mummy and ayah welcoming him to our family.both of them okay je. then we arrived at his house. ohh, by the way he doesn't know that im coming home. saja nak surprise kan dia. our family greet his family. my ayah met his ayah, mummy and his mom and so on.. kaklong whispered, on your left.. all of his family looking at you. nervous tak? me blushing habis =.=! then his mother come toward our table, she make a conversation.. bla bla bla.. and her last sentence, alya dah biasa datang rumah ni... and i was like... hehehehhehehehheheheheehhe. aihhh. hari ni sumpah kelakar. everybody teasing me.  malu lah. first time kan.  at home, kaklong ask a stupid question to me, macamana mummy jumpa besan? and mummy smile. its a good sign. thumb up!

p/s: he told me, i cant wait to get married with you. 

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