Friday, July 30

♥ ..

: Lindsay Lohan / black tank top
lindsay lohan really has something in fashion.she know what she wear and make it fabulous!

if i want a guy,it could be you..

handsome! thats all i can say it.. he is takuya actor,singer,model,a husband and a father of 2 kids.if i wanna marry someone,i want that guy looks like him..

♥ ..

: random / the style (punk)

i totally dig this style.i wish i could wearing it soon.i like the combination of punk and feminine and beauty at the same time through .

Sunday, July 25

updated : home made steam bath

i just back from working so damn tired lah that day.mummy told me that someone will came to our house and did some steam bath.i really you know,an hour you do a steam bath equal to 3day you jogging of 3hours.amazing uh?? just rm 50 per 3hrs.after that,you can see your skin very soft and smooth and shiny..its worth it!trust me.

Saturday, July 24

♥ ..

: Jessica Alba / The Jeans
this is J brand houlihan cargo pant. im totally crazy with this pant.i found the same design at MNG but that one is not jeans.and the price is rm 90.not bad uhh..

p/s : sayang,i want this jeans as birthday present.PLEASE!

Friday, July 23

DIY : studs are everywhere!

i think this is kinda cool stuff.all the things you need is a lot of studs and jeans and of coz la scissors.faded jeans is much more better.. i'll try it with a perfect jeans.

greeny is good

tutty fruity is a frozen yogurt with cutting -edge soft serve machines.times square only have 6 flavor out of 50.i choose basic yogurt as trial.what i like about this,there are many choices of the topping.and i chose m&m,nata de coco,cornflakes,choc chip,coconut sea etc.

and the price is frozen yogurl - topping = rm5.30/100g.

Saturday, July 17

♥ ..

: Mary Kate / The Style

mary kate looks so perfect with this look.i like the shabby style.XXL shirt.ripped jeans,lot of accessories,over-size beg and that's so me!

Thursday, July 15

so happy together

Vlog : ash $ sunny

imagine me and you,i do
i think about you day and night,its only right
to think about the girl you love and hold her tight
so happy together.

if i should call you up,invest a dime
and you say you belong to me and ease my mind
imagine how world could be, so very fine
so happy together

i can't see nobody love me but you
for all my life
when you're with me,baby the skies'll be blue
for all my life

me and you and you and me
no matter they toss the dice,it has to be
the only one for me is you and you for me
so happy together

my w@nderPET !

i just bought these two pet.they really funny until my mummy yg xsuka species tikus ni getting excited even bought a toy for them!hahaha.ash-tromen is a male & sunny is a daniel gave them the name..budak2!

Good Morning everybody
the brown one is ash-tromen
the gray one is sunny sunshine
sleeping beauty

love letter


life has been absolutely insane.with a combination of far away from you, no answer from apft otherwise go to ipoh,need some money to buy/pay sumthing and OJT's problem ... the month of july has been driving me absolutely nut!

i really miss you.6 month without you is like life without food.its extremely sucks!
take care yourself..

xx appleiar

Wednesday, July 14

♥ ..

: Ashley Olsen / Headwrap

after a much-needed time out on beret, im fall in $ with headwrap.ashley olsen wore prada's satin headwrap. but dont worry if you got not enough money to buy same as ashley.i got some great alternative can find it at forever 21 or topshop.either way, you'll have a chick look for a cheap price.yeyy!

Delicious Naili's place

this is quite interesting place to eat with the kampung2 style and the said it is pulau kapas.idk.iyelah tuh!haha.harga dan makanan dia seiringan.boleh tahan lah.ape2 pon jom layan(style melody) zazZz!
onion bread %

ini lah pilihan saya,pie apetah.panjang sgt.yummy yummy.
an mcm bese lah,chicken chop mmg berbaloi lah.besar sgt smpai dia mkn pon xabih.

our friend choose this one,spegetti ape tah.pon xigt.LOLZ!