Wednesday, May 29

Human Power

5 papers left. 
+ engineering drawing
+ basic electronics 
+ autopilot
+ control system
+ mathematics 2

wish me luck love =)

Tuesday, May 28

Beneath The Curse of These Lovers' Eyes

Love me just as long as you can,
and I will do the same,
these thoughts are here to save,
and it is as simple,
as me wanting you,
for a now,
for later,
and if we make it,
for a lifetime.

Im a weirdo

the different between human being and animal is, we have a good instinct. its a natural way of  acting or thinking. maybe animal have some in their way, i don't know. the point is, we are born this way. that's mean if  something goes wrong or if somebody acting weird toward us so it will detected, easily! im not really sure about my situation right now. i feel awkward, A staring at me like im a criminal. B talk to me like im a stranger. why? i dont know!!!!!!!! 

Thursday, May 23

Stress ++, sayonara.

packing.. packing!!!

my brother let us use his car. yeyy! so, stick to the plan. he will pick up his girlfriend at airport then pick me at my house. then meet my boyfriend somewhere in Nilai. after meet and greet my brother. we, i mean us leave them at .. i dont know. where should we throw them? ahhaha.. after that, we straight to perak. yeyyyy!! holiday... perak here i comeeeeeee!!!

 just realize that.....
i had nothing to wear. baju kurung semua x glamour, cano ni?

Wednesday, May 22


You Can Count On Me Like 1 2 3

Dear Bestie...


Come As You Are

planning to go to Perak because of my friend's wedding. then he said, why dont we go to Pangkor, then the next day we heading to the wedding. so we can celebrate our anniversary at island. ala, boyfriend ni. sweet2 gitu..  next week final exam. hmm! release tension la konon. me is counting days. excited!!

good news and bad news.
Amalina is leaving home. she got matrik Gambang,Pahang. ishk, risau aku! i hope she will be like me, so independent. im a survivor, okay! because you know, she is kinda anti-social person. she dont have many friends, unlike me. she a loner and she love it.  im not lying. ask her. nope..... ask mummy. she know her well. KOT! so, tinggal lah mummy, ayah and Daniel at home. mesti sunyi. for sure Daniel makin gemuk. i dont think so, sebab sekarang kat rumah tu dah ada coach. ayah senantiasa memerhati/menjaga/mengawal pemakanan Daniel. dan dia selalu kena bebel dengan ayah. ahhaha.. he deserve it. padan muka.

Monday, May 20

Im Talking to The Moon

surprise! surprise!

i love surprises.
the spaghetti, the flowers, the cakes the decoration.
all perfect 10!
he really put an effect for our anniversary.
i love you, boo boo.


Friday, May 17

Wednesday, May 15

Life or Death.

chit chat with kaklong just now. she said that mummy is sick and the doctor had to test mummy's blood. result will be out a month from today. next week im going home. . .

Tuesday, May 14

Gewe & Gewi

one super hot afternoon, i was doing ton of assignments while my friend zZzzZZz... then her roommate asked me, mek, akak nak tanya ni. macamana mek boleh tak gaduh dengan gewe mek? bagi petua sikit kat akak. and i laughed but her face look like dying to know the answer. i told her nothing. mana ada couple tak gaduh, kak. entah la.. she said again, akak tak pernah pulak tgk muka mek sedih, jiwa kacau apa bagai.. kelako betul kakak ni. haha..  

at night before sleep, Nazri called me. i told him about that question. .. he said, memang la. kita MANAA penah gaduh kan? especially AWAK! never never ever. (It automatically responded with sarcasm.

since he bought me a new black swimming suit, so tomorrow we planning to go Pullman Putrajaya for swimming + gym. yeyyy! cant wait to wear my new swimming suit.. i guess Nazri is sick, because he is so obsess with losing weight. sometimes if i ask him for dinner, i refuse. i cannot eat tonite, im on diet. !!

Friday, May 10

i Was LuCKY

i want to share a story with you guys.. i asked my housemate to drop me at Miat because i want to replace math class. but the class started at 8pm. as usual i went to my classmate's room, she get ready to go to swimming at Pullman  Putrajaya, from miat to Pullman took about 20 minutes. we'll didnt know that the pool closed at 6.45pm,and the guard didnt let us in because its 6.30pm. so, i went to the lady officer. i told her to let us in.. she told me to come at 7.30. the pool was opened again on that time till 9.30pm. i told her i cant because i have class to catch up at 8pm. we all buat muka kesian .. lastly she let us in. (anak wayang katakan) i was so relive.. omg, she is so kind, she let us in.... that's good sign. then we'll heading to the pool, the pool was full.. especially man. i said to myself, macamana nak mandi ni, takkan nak pakai tudung.. i asked my friend, kau nak mandi macamana? pakai tudung tak? she replied,  aku mandi pool memang tak pakai tudung..and i just diam je la. i looked at another friend of mine, she macam serba salah sikit.. suddenly that lady came back to us, she asked us, do you have swimming suit? i said, its okay kan kalau tak pakai swimming suit tapi pakai baju ketat je. she said yes but no cotton allowed. kain jersey only. we all tercengang.. tapi.. tapi... she said, sorry.. rule is rule.. if you really wanna swimming, go to presint 6, swimming awam. they do have swimming suit for rent.. the clock now was 6.45pm.. we were rushing to presint 6... but it was closed. damn! it will open back at 8pm.. on that time, there were a group of boys waiting for swimming too. i told my friend, i give up. malas lah nak swimming dah la budak laki tu entah apa2.. last2, we rest at the lake of pullman resort then balik miat.... tadi duk kemas2 bilik, i terpikir... nasib baik tak jadi swimming tadi, kalau tak habis aurat.. Allah know what the best for me and my friend. bila kita jaga agama Dia, Dia pun jaga kita. betul tak? insyaallah... i was lucky today.

Thursday, May 9

I've got a war in my mind.

There is no one i can really talk to. I need someone i can talk to because i just realized how much i hate you. How much i despise you're very existence in my life. i can't breathe. i've never been so filled up with rage and never been able to say it. i do this all the time. I hold it all in until I don't know how to let it out. All the bitter memories linger in my body, becoming a part of me until i can't get rid of them.

I am a mess of a woman, or a girl, or whatever. I'm losing myself too much at a time and i need to do something before i really lose myself. Already i pretend to not hear people and I pretend to not see things, just because I can't handle it. I'm turning into a coward. I am turning into one of them. I don't want to. My mother brought me up better than that. I have better worth. I need to

Wednesday, May 1

Holiday yawww!

25th April 2013.

save the date for the wedding.  a good friend of mine soon-to-be a wifey

Perak, coming soon.

keep going

last week i went to town to settle down some business then i bump with my old friend. quite surprising! then she told me about her life so on and on.. so interesting. she bought half million BIG house and a sport car. she is a full-housewife and always travel around the world with her husband. it just her luck, right? while myself study all day-long just to pass the quiz/midterm and those insane questions. and i not quite sure if i can get a job after this. even worse, can i buy a million dollar house in future? my dream car? .. and married. we didnt save any money for the wedding. fyi, my friend only have spm with bad result but her life is pretty awesome. im saying this not because im so jelly with her, but im worry about my future. prepare for the worse and keep moving..