Wednesday, May 22

Come As You Are

planning to go to Perak because of my friend's wedding. then he said, why dont we go to Pangkor, then the next day we heading to the wedding. so we can celebrate our anniversary at island. ala, boyfriend ni. sweet2 gitu..  next week final exam. hmm! release tension la konon. me is counting days. excited!!

good news and bad news.
Amalina is leaving home. she got matrik Gambang,Pahang. ishk, risau aku! i hope she will be like me, so independent. im a survivor, okay! because you know, she is kinda anti-social person. she dont have many friends, unlike me. she a loner and she love it.  im not lying. ask her. nope..... ask mummy. she know her well. KOT! so, tinggal lah mummy, ayah and Daniel at home. mesti sunyi. for sure Daniel makin gemuk. i dont think so, sebab sekarang kat rumah tu dah ada coach. ayah senantiasa memerhati/menjaga/mengawal pemakanan Daniel. dan dia selalu kena bebel dengan ayah. ahhaha.. he deserve it. padan muka.

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