Wednesday, July 10

Must Have Item : Part I

I love headpieces, they are super fun accessories that are great for spicing up boring outfits. I've seen a lot of fantastic summery ones made from flowers and while I enjoy those a lot, my heart still belongs to the sparkly, flapper reminiscent kind. I think when it comes to headpieces the bigger the better and I am a firm believer that a girl can never wear too many sparkles. One of the best aspects of headpieces is that you can sport them whenever your having a bad hair day or if you simply don't have to time to create an elaborate hairstyle but you still want your tresses to look great. One tip I always like to give about this accessory is that it can provide that magic touch when taking a look from day to night. Do you wear headpieces? you can buy this at or indian accessory store at Masjid Jamek at the price of RM7 .. or you can use you fancy necklace as your headpiece.. 

Tuesday, July 9

Salam Ramadan

selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan al-mubarak kepada muslimin dan muslimah. semoga puasa kita di berkati Allah. this year tak tahu lagi buat biskut raya ke tak sebabnya, tengok cuti raya kaklong dulu. honey cornflake kaklong are the best!! even my aunt pun order dengan kaklong. one more thing, this year raya dekat besut. oh my ..! tak sabar nak raya, tak sabar nak tunggu semua orang balik. dulu-dulu tak suka raya sebab cousins kecik2 lagi. so kat sana menangis kat sini riau kat situ melalak.. haha tapi sekarang cousins dah besar. dah pandai nk bercinta cintun.. hmm, budak2 sekarang. anyway this year tema kaler family kitaorang is RED. red riding hood!! merah giteewww.. macamana la yg boys ni pakai kaler merah.. daniel pun dah start pakai rumpai laut. dia cakap, dia nk nampak handsome macam Aaron aziz.. kahkah kah...  kepada kekasih2 semua, selamat berpuasa... may Allah bless you.

Friday, July 5

You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

new semester is coming soon, during ramadhan i hope no evening class. the result of last semester didn't come out yet. im so nervous! hopefully there is not fail paper.. . amin.. even though next semester is just an ordinary semester but, i already made a new resolution. hahaa.. (we must look forward bak kata2 prof muhaya). if you dont like it, change it. but if you cant change it, change the way you think about it..  i want share more about my new resolution but time is running out. ttyl. with love..

Step outside, the summertime's in bloom

*breath in, breath out*
the things will be different now,
try not to become fixated by the past,
and  focus on the future.
move forward please
because things have changed
it's a wonderful world out there
if you go and discover it
move forward please
i've moved on
i no longer miss you
and our memories
between you and I
no longer cause me pain.
im in peace.

Monday, July 1

July Love

im so exciting...