Friday, May 10

i Was LuCKY

i want to share a story with you guys.. i asked my housemate to drop me at Miat because i want to replace math class. but the class started at 8pm. as usual i went to my classmate's room, she get ready to go to swimming at Pullman  Putrajaya, from miat to Pullman took about 20 minutes. we'll didnt know that the pool closed at 6.45pm,and the guard didnt let us in because its 6.30pm. so, i went to the lady officer. i told her to let us in.. she told me to come at 7.30. the pool was opened again on that time till 9.30pm. i told her i cant because i have class to catch up at 8pm. we all buat muka kesian .. lastly she let us in. (anak wayang katakan) i was so relive.. omg, she is so kind, she let us in.... that's good sign. then we'll heading to the pool, the pool was full.. especially man. i said to myself, macamana nak mandi ni, takkan nak pakai tudung.. i asked my friend, kau nak mandi macamana? pakai tudung tak? she replied,  aku mandi pool memang tak pakai tudung..and i just diam je la. i looked at another friend of mine, she macam serba salah sikit.. suddenly that lady came back to us, she asked us, do you have swimming suit? i said, its okay kan kalau tak pakai swimming suit tapi pakai baju ketat je. she said yes but no cotton allowed. kain jersey only. we all tercengang.. tapi.. tapi... she said, sorry.. rule is rule.. if you really wanna swimming, go to presint 6, swimming awam. they do have swimming suit for rent.. the clock now was 6.45pm.. we were rushing to presint 6... but it was closed. damn! it will open back at 8pm.. on that time, there were a group of boys waiting for swimming too. i told my friend, i give up. malas lah nak swimming dah la budak laki tu entah apa2.. last2, we rest at the lake of pullman resort then balik miat.... tadi duk kemas2 bilik, i terpikir... nasib baik tak jadi swimming tadi, kalau tak habis aurat.. Allah know what the best for me and my friend. bila kita jaga agama Dia, Dia pun jaga kita. betul tak? insyaallah... i was lucky today.

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