Thursday, June 2

Don't Expect To Receive If You're Not Willing To Give.

four down and three more to go. i just finished the Digital Circuit/Microprocessor System which is the killer subject. i think this subject is hard because, first, i know nothing about this shit. second you know how much i hate the computer stuff.. CPU,RAM,ROM etc etc.. *sigh* and im not good in memorizing. please make me pass. repeating in this subject is a nightmare!!seriously i was so hopeless last night. and an angel came down to help me out. because of you, i can study calmly and i did it well. thanks A. you always help me in this kind of situation,like you used to.

anyway, today is 1st REJAB due to Islamic calendar.

hmm,i just gotta ask, why do people always smile in front of you and then behind you, always criticize you. i really dont get it. i mean, even if you do act nice. hey, who knows, maybe if you do tell me whats so wrong with me that i disgust you, maybe then i can change for the better. rather than wasting your time faking smiles and whispering behind my back. you might think that im being hypocritical but im used to girls not liking me and i dont really care.

what else.... ohh, my parents is coming to KL on this Saturday. they had to cancel the trip to Bangkok because im got exam. so instead of that, we're going to cuti-cuti Malaysia right after i finish the last paper. guess where we're going to go .. Penang then Perak. yeahhh! i love mummy more and more :) 3weeks in Kelantan. i dont know if my diet can survive over there. hopefully i can make it.

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