Friday, July 15

People Not Getting My Sarcasm Makes Me Feel Safe

new semester has began as sweet as chocolate . this is the final year and im going to do the final year project ( FYP ). my partner is Anaqi, the most laziness person in the world just like me. that is why we're teammate but whatever he is, i love you son of the mask! we're already choose our week we're going to discuss the project with him. i hope he super excited to meet us.

i cant sleep, 5 in the morning and its heavily raining. it'll be another hour till i'll be able to fall asleep. now i only can sleep when the sun comes up, it's been like that for a while actually, since the last semester break. its tiring as shit. what's funny is that i'll be up the whole night and as i am, i wont be able to sleep but the moment the sun rises, i drop dead. funny huh? and i feel so damn sleepy in the most of the classes. sorry lecturers, i cant help it.

what else? ... ohh, im still lives in the same room but different roommate. just mention her as F .she is from Pahang. well, im surrounded by orang pahang. she is freshie,19 years old and she is well-manner. so far so good. i hope so :) because of i already sent half of my stuffs to KB so, there is nothing much left in here. usually this room is full with my things but this time, none!

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