Monday, February 13

Refusing to be vulnerable

been away almost 10 days. skipped 4days classes. ignore the incoming texts and calls. refuse to do the assignments. what the heck is going on here? like crazy. 

distance, time and careers. the three things that crush relationships. everything is always bad timing. we make excuses, its too hard, its too much, its doesn't fit.

had you heard this before, dont stay with the one you loves the most but please stay with the one who loves you for the rest of their life. what's the point of saying this? well, its happen to me and i choose the one who love me. why? because they will never ever leave us compare to the one who we love them. in the end, we'll got nothing except the broken-heart. im so grateful now. i guess i made the right choice. even though he is not kind-of my type but he is my man. thats more than enough.