Wednesday, May 9

The Prison Of Your Own Mind

last Monday, i went to KLCC with Zydane, we're went to watch The Avengers, even though i already seen the movie. Zydane punya pasal, no hal lah. he woke up so early and keep buzzing me while im sleeping. i asked me to watch Tom & Jerry with him but i refused. he started to cry, oh Goshh! i told him wake me up after next two cartoon on show. Yes BOS, he replied! done with everything, we took a cab and train heading to KLCC. he seem so excited. he keep asking me when we're going to watch the show? every minute every second, then the movie was going to start  in 5 minute, he told me, kak baby, abang nak berak! aigooo.. saat saat genting pulak nak poo poo! this kid is really something!

he is so into Iron Man. he pretending he is a robot, when im asked him to get showered, he said, rosak lah robot kalau kena air. aigoo!!!

whatever it is, the movie is awesome. captain A is so handsome. wink3