Thursday, August 2

It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny,

at the moment when i feel so blue, he is there for me. trying to change the color from blue to yellow. and he did it well. sometimes i think i made a wrong choice by choosing him but deep inside me, i feel so lucky. he came here today. he's trying to help me about my Mara loan. most of the thing was settle down. i was so relieve. he is totally my hero, my savior, my supermen, batman, my my my.......... my love. he is my sunshine! oh goshhhhhhh, i love him.. hmm, then after we went to the putrajaya, took my sijil SPM, we went to Alamanda for iftar. i never eat at The Manhattan Fish Market before and the food was so delicious. no kidding. my boyfriend who dislike fish so much can fall in love the that fish.. he even say, 'nanti dapat gaji next week kita makan kat sini nak?' whoooo.. it surprising me okay!!!!