Thursday, January 6

Tiada Kata Secantik Bahasa - Monoloque

Beloved 7722, we're schoolmates. CB is our obsession. Haha I like your style and omg i like the way you did your hair. You're a girl that could rule your own world :) I have so much respect on you. I often read your blog and I like the way you're expressing your feeling on it. I wish that one day we could meet up and being crazy all day long talking about your CB and my CB. Haha.Be happy:) lots of love my dear ♥

‎9991. nk jgk? ok la.. awk ni hnsem la.. hahaha.. msih ingtkh dinda swktu kta bcngkrema di dlm viva swktu pulang dr rugby touch? ngahahah!!

9919...klas mate ku msa f5...1st ak tgk dia,ak ase dia bla da bbual lma2,xsombom pn...kpala mereng gk ni...spotim...hu3...xpenah hang out dgn dia...hope akn dpt la...sbb sgt rndu 5napih...hu3...wei...i mish u,la...

‎0010 - satu batch kat miat, ada citarasa yg kelas gitu, bila masuk bilik dia rasa teruja sebab dia hias cantik sgt, aku pon xde idea gitu, x rapat sgt tp die baik je ngan aku :)

3663: herm.......dier ni suka ati dier je nk bwat ape.......xkesah ape org ckp psl dirinye.....ahakz......mule2, xsuke sgt tgk dier ni...lame2 ok laaaaa....bole bwk berbincang laaa jgk....=)..

‎5224- sorg yg sngt kiut... cume ade ms2 giler ckit... she's a bit daring with her styles.. =) hhehehehhee.. tapi i loikkeee... (bak kate org ni la.. ) tapi sy mseh mrah kat awk, sbb awk kate nk bg sy sorg (pham2 je la) tapi tkde pun.. sedey je.. =(

767-erhm, we din get the chance to know each other well back then in skul. n she is nik tik's bestie. i think she is gila2 type n she is stylo mylo. brave enough to try new outfit.

4449 Die ni kenal sebab selalu lepak kat kedai... kat MIAT low profile, tp klau tgk die time nak kuar, mak ai! hotnye... hehehe... bile nk webcam ni?

‎9009-cheerful and like to enjoy her life to the most. care about her friends, and most importantly has a very beautiful a lot will ya?

8181 - forbidden love

‎3223-hihi,samo skool ni,knal mulo2 maso fom1.dy bek sgt.n x sangka dy older.lawa, baek n hardcore.sama2 minat emma stone.kelif doh easy a?maso skool mulo, biaso2 jah, dlm fb ni bru duk kecek. rugi xknal maso maher dlu.n one more thing, you're so cool!!!

‎2002-kawan lama..stu skolah both primary n secondary school..baik! fashionista! comel! sexy! she loves her bff so much..!!! miss u dear! tanak describe dah! sbb rindu! :'(

{4411} hahaha.. membe pompuan plg msuk air pena aku knl... walaupun die mcm nie.. aku mmg tabik ngn die sbab die antara kenalan aku yg rare ats muke bumi nie.. she make me proud as her fren... walaupun papepun, aku akn jd kawan smpai mati ngn die..

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